The state pension is an important source of income for retirees, but do you know if it’s taxable? That’s a question many people ask when they reach retirement age. In this blog post, we will answer that very question and explore other related topics such as who is eligible for the state pension, what types of pensions are available to take advantage of and when you can start taking your payments. We’ll also discuss how taxation works with State Pension and National Insurance contributions so that you have all the information necessary to make informed decisions about your financial future. So let’s get started by answering: Is the state pension taxable?

How the State Pension Is Taxed

In general, state pensions are not taxable, but depending on the amount of other income you receive, they may be.

As a general rule, the first £12,570 is tax-free and is known as the personal allowance. Any state pension income in excess of this amount will be taxed at the following rates:

Basic rate taxpayers (those earning up to £50,270 per year) will pay 20% in taxes on their state pension income in excess of the personal allowance. Higher rate taxpayers (those earning between £50,270 and £150,000 per year) will pay 40%, and Additional rate taxpayers (those earning over £150,001 per year) will pay 45%.

If your total taxable income surpasses certain thresholds (£100k for 2022/23), your personal allowance may be reduced or eliminated entirely. Your personal allowance will decrease by £1 for every £2 you earn above £100,000, with no personal allowance at a salary of over £125,140.

Who Is Eligible for the State Pension?

The state pension is a regular payment from the government that you can claim when you reach retirement age. To be eligible for the state pension, you must have paid or been credited with national insurance contributions for at least 10 years.

To get the full amount of your state pension, you will need to have made 35 years’ worth of qualifying National Insurance Contributions (NICs). If you don’t have enough NICs to qualify for the full amount, then your payments may be reduced accordingly.

You may also be able to top up your NI record if there are gaps in it and boost your State Pension entitlement. This is known as ‘Class 3 voluntary contributions’ and can only be done within certain timeframes before reaching State Pension age.

What Are the Different Types of Pensions?

The most common type of pension is the state pension, which is a government-provided retirement income. It is paid to people who have reached State Pension age and have made enough National Insurance contributions over their working life. The amount you receive depends on your individual circumstances and can vary from person to person.

Group pensions are provided by employers or other organizations such as trade unions, professional associations or charities. They usually require an employee to contribute regularly in order for them to benefit from the scheme when they retire. Private pensions may also offer additional benefits such as death-in-service payments and early retirement options.

Personal pensions are set up and managed by individuals themselves rather than being provided through an employer or organization. This type of pension allows individuals to save money into a fund that will be used towards their retirement income when they reach State Pension age. Personal pensions usually come with more investment options so it’s important for individuals to do research before deciding which one best suits their needs and goals for retirement planning.

Finally, there are workplace schemes such as defined benefit (DB) schemes where both employees and employers make regular contributions that will provide a guaranteed income at retirement age.

When You Can Start Taking Your State Pension

The earliest age you can start taking your state pension is currently 65 for men and women, however, when you’ll receive your state pension depends on when you were born.  From April 2026 the state pension will graduate to 66 and then 67 by March 2028. It is forecast to increase to age 68 by 2044 subject to approval.

If you don’t need the state pension at your state pension retirement age, you do have the benefit of delaying it. State pensions don’t start automatically and have to be claimed.

If you decide to delay taking your state pension past its due date, then there are certain advantages associated with doing so including an increase in the amount paid each month; this works out to be around a 5.8% increase each year. This means that those who wait longer can potentially get a higher income compared with those who take their payments earlier on in life.

You also have the option of claiming the state pension deferral as a lump sum as long as you have deferred for at least 52 weeks. You’ll also receive interest on this at the rate of 2%.

State Pension and National Insurance

The amount you receive will depend on how much National Insurance you have paid over your working life.

National Insurance contributions are payments made by employees, employers, and self-employed people in order to qualify for certain benefits such as the state pension. To be eligible for the full basic state pension, you must have at least 30 qualifying years of National Insurance contributions or credits.

Employees pay Class 1 National Insurance Contributions through their wages which are deducted from their salary before they receive it. Employers also make these payments on behalf of their employees but do not deduct them from employees’ salaries directly. Self-employed individuals pay Class 2 and Class 4 NI Contributions depending on their profits earned during each tax year.

You can check your current national insurance record online using HMRC’s website or contact them if there is any discrepancy with what appears on your record or if something has been missed off altogether due to an administrative error etc. You can also delay taking your state pension beyond its start date in order to increase its value when it does eventually begin being paid out, although this isn’t always recommended as delaying too long could mean missing out on some valuable income during retirement.

What Happens to My State Pension When I Die?

Your state pension will be paid up until the date of death and any payments due after this date will not be made. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will contact anyone who has been receiving a payment from them about their deceased relative’s estate in order to arrange repayment of any overpayments they may have received since the date of death.

Are there other benefits available?

If there are people dependent upon your income, then they may be eligible for some form of bereavement benefit which could help replace lost earnings following a death in the family. This includes Widowed Parent’s Allowance (WPA), Bereavement Support Payment (BSP) and Widowed Mother’s Allowance (WMA). In addition, if children were financially supported by their parent then Child Benefit might continue even after one parent dies – although this depends on individual circumstances too so please check with HMRC first before making any assumptions here!


In conclusion, it is important to understand how the state pension is taxed and who is eligible for it. There are different types of pensions available and when you can start taking your state pension depends on your age. It’s also important to be aware of National Insurance contributions as this affects the amount of state pension you receive. You may choose to delay taking your state pension but bear in mind that if you die before claiming it, any remaining payments will not be passed onto a beneficiary.